Data: Hit: 2748


General contractor, also called by the name of general contractor, means a natural person or a legal company, identified by the final client to optimize all construction processes.

The process, which as it develops leads to the identification of the general contractor, is simple and intuitive and aims at optimizing times and economic costs, but also at diversifying the customer's technical and legal responsibilities.

The General Contractor has the function of managing, as the only point of contact, the complex process of carrying out an intervention: he possesses traditional skills, associated with the mere execution of the works, and multidisciplinary commercial or economic-financial skills.


Before the General Contractor, for public works, it was possible to use tools that only involved the construction phases of the work and not the previous ones. For complex public works, this led to various disadvantages: difficulty in coordinating the phases, delays and higher costs.

When the figure of the General Contractor was introduced, i.e. global constructor of the work, it was possible to guarantee the public client the design and construction of the work, with the "turnkey" formula hand”.

The General Contractor was introduced into the law in the early 2000s, with the law 21/12/2001, n. 443, called objective law, in order to streamline and speed up the implementation times of strategic public works. This GC discipline has merged into the Code of Public Contracts.

TrackID is the new architectural identity of TrackDesign, responsible for how all phases of design and execution of the works will be prepared, as defined in the signed contract .

Contractual documents include budget agreements, project conditions and specifications (levels of specifications, documents, reports, schedules, schedules).

A general contractor is responsible for providing the materials, workers, equipment, and services needed for the project.

Why choose TrackID:

• Supply of materials, from idea to design to production

• Optimization of processes, times and economic costs

• Diversification of technical and specific responsibilities

• Compliance with deadlines and bureaucratic and technological times

• Specific professionalism in the sectors to which they belong
